Within InfAct, a lot of work has been done to set up National Nodes (NN) in several EU countries. Especially during the current pandemic, collaboration is of highest importance, particularly with regards to population health. Therefore, we should work jointly to continue in PHIRI what was successfully started in InfAct.
The meeting was attended by country representatives from both InfAct and PHIRI. The aim of the meeting was to update each other on the status of NN in the different partner countries, present the last InfAct activities and facilitate the continuation of NN's within PHIRI.
See meeting agenda here
Presentations of the meeting:
1. DIPoH developments and National Nodes in InfAct (Lind Abboud- Sciensano Belgium)
3. The Health Information Portal (Hanna Tolonen- THL, Finland)
4. National Nodes: from InfAct to PHIRI (Metka Zaletel-NIJZ, Slovenia)
This website is part of the project '801553 InfAct' which has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020). Disclaimer - Privacy policy |
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